Sun Microsystems is one of the world’s biggest suppliers of high quality hardware, software, services and network technologies, including products for Internet and Intranet.
Nuance is the provider of business solutions for speech and picture processing.
IVO Software – the producer of IVONA speech synthesizer using a natural voice to read books, subtitles and news in telecommunications and in rehabilitation. Also producer of Intelligent Web Reader – an Internet web browser using a synthetic voice to read the contents of web pages that enables the blinds and other visually impaired people to use the Internet.
Microsoft Corporation is one of the biggest IT companies in the world, best known as the producer of MS-DOS and Windows operating systems and Microsoft Office software. Microsoft is also a producer of hardware equipment.
Oracle is the supplier of comprehensive IT solutions for all business branches. Its offer includes databases, programming tools and middleware as well as ready-to-use business applications.
HP provides the technology used in business and in everyday life. The company’s solutions include computer infrastructure, personal computers and accessibility equipment, global services and printing and picture processing solutions for individual customers, enterprises and for small or medium businesses.
Altitude Software is a leading independent contact center vendor with the Altitude Unified Customer Interaction™ (Altitude uCI) product line. Altitude uCI manages and improves customer relationships for each new interaction in a wide range of contact centers, from SMEs to large multisite organizations.